The author Justin Horgan, Ireland, just now reports the history of the german air crashes in Irland during the world war II. He edited his book " Luftwaffe Eagles Over Ireland." "The story of german air crashes over neutral Ireland 1940 - 1945."
The book will be very interesting as it contains a lot of original photos too. This book can be ordered in every good book-shop. Please call the book data with a click on the book's folio.
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Left: the FlyPast article that triggered the research
My letter to "fly past" requesting them to relay with WRGI. Unfortunately there was no answer and so I started it up on my own.
And my letter to the WRGI was without reply, too.
This notice of loss was my first lead. Most remarkably a crash into the sea or mountain is already suspected here. That indicates that a radio contact wass until the vary end of the mission.
Right: this flight order dated July, 11th 1943 found in Auschner's overall in Ireland was my most important lead as it is issued by Hans-Joachim Schulze, the former Staffelführer der Wekusta 2 Ob.d.L. in Nantes. My copy of this document i received in Ireland carries two signatures now: one in the copy and the original dated Saturday, January 28th, 1984. The second autograph was handed out in the restaurant of Bremen airport his longtime workplace as flight instructor for the Deutsche Lufthansa.
I received this flight report Nr. 1039 vom 23.7.1943 only at the end of researches. If this would have been in my hands a little earlier a lot of effort would have been saved. This report contains the presumption that the aircarft collided with terrain or sea due to bad weather, too. Another indication that there was radio contact until the last minute of the flight.
Indispensable and essential help were the reports on weather and visibility ranges of the day of the event most generously provided by the Deutsche Wetterdienst (above and left) and the Meteorological Service - Department of Transport, Dublin (right)
the cloud pattern reported by the flight dated July 22nd, 1943 - the day before the desaster
the proof of the desaster: the cloud pattern reported on July 23rd, 1943
the Irish Ministry of Defence sent copies of these three essential papers
left and right: Michael Murphy, eye- and earwitness of the crash wrote this four page letter End of 1983.
He stated that the aircraft was not in engine trouble and crashed most probably due fog and mist which didnt allow the pilot to avoid the impact.
Left: this letter from the British Ministry of Defence shows that a crash of D7+DK was suspected due to the fact of sudden loss of the radio connection by them, too.
Letter of condolence from Oblt. Alfred Schmid dated July 27th, 1943 addressed to Hans Auschner's father.
Correspondence, exchange of letters, hand-written memos, reports. This photo gives an idea of the time and effort which was required to enlighten and clarify this mysterious accident.
This preliminary is written by Michael Voigt, a grandnephew of Hans Auschner in 2008.